Merino Lambs Wool

Merino Lambs Wool

The products obtained from the first slaughter of lambs under the age of eight/six months are called “first shearing wool”. These wools become very soft and thin. It can absorb more moisture and keep warmer than wool obtained from older animals. For this reason, lambs wool is more corrugated and has more air spaces.

Since these fibers are thinner, they are more threaded than wool of the same weight. Merino wool becomes washable after a process called Oxy-Wash, and since this process is done without using chlorine, it preserves its naturalness. This process provides the opportunity to get rid of the wool shells without damaging the proteins in their content. The result is a soft, moisture-absorbing, odorless and vapor-permeable product. Thanks to this process, wool does not lose its characteristic features even after a few washes.